What Are Carb Blockers and Do They Work? - Sheer Strength Labs
What Are Carb Blockers and Do They Work?

We all know that cheat meals are a part of training. They're a part of our nutrition plan-- restoring leptin levels, restoring glycogen levels. It does a lot of good things. We just have to make sure that we're focusing on how to make sure it doesn't convert to fat. You see, when we're looking at the process of having a cheat meal in general, what usually gets us isn't the fact that it's the excess calories. It's usually the combination of fats and carbs. You see, what happens when you consume carbohydrates, you have a spike in insulin. That spike in insulin opens the cell doorway. When the cell doorway is open, it's open to everything that's in the bloodstream, including fats. So what does a cheat meal usually consist of? It's usually combining some level of fats and carbohydrates. The carbohydrates, however, are the culprit. They are what is eliciting that insulin response that can cause you to gain fat. Insulin is the enemy here. So how do we reduce that?
Sheer Block has two simple ingredients that affect that dramatically.
- White Kidney Bean Extract
- Green Tea Extract
The first one is simple, a no-brainer, OK? EGCG, green tea extract, has a huge impact on glucose metabolism, has a huge impact on gene expression, so can actually help you burn fat in the process. But the additional component and the top-secret component of this product is the kidney bean extract, the white kidney bean extract.
White Kidney Bean Extract Benefits
What this white kidney bean extract does is act as a starch inhibitor, literally becoming a carb blocker. And at first glance, that sounds kind of unhealthy. It's like, why are you blocking something from absorbing? But you're not actually blocking the absorption. You're slowing down the digestion of the actual starches, which is allowing them to either pass through your system before being absorbed or allowing them to stay in your digestive tract and actually ferment, which can feed good bacteria within your gut. So not only are you reaping the benefits of not elevating your blood glucose, you're actually helping out your gut bacteria in the process as well. So you kind of get a double whammy with that. But white kidney bean extract has another awesome fact to it. And that is that it affects our fat accumulation as well. So it has a big effect on triglyceride levels and fat accumulation over time.
2007 Study of White Kidney Bean Extract
In fact, there was a 2007 clinical study that took two groups of people. One group of people consumed white kidney bean extract. The other group did not. But both groups consumed a very high-carbohydrate diet between 2000 and 2,500 calories per day. Well, it was found that at the end of the protocol, at the end of this series, those that took the white kidney bean extract had a significantly less amount of fat accumulation and also had lower levels of glucose, meaning the carbohydrates were not impacting them as much. What does this mean for you? It means when you're about to go to town on your planned cheat meal, take some Sheer Carb Block and get the most out of it. Get the most out of your cheat meal with the least impact on your waistline and the most impact of that cheat meal where it needs to go-- restoring your leptin levels and restoring your glycogen levels so you can give it all in the gym, give it all at your work, give it all with your family.
Sheer Block Extra Strength Carbohydrate Blocker
While many of the big retail companies hide behind proprietary blends in order to disguise their low-quality ingredients, sub-optimal dosages, and added fillers, Sheer Strength Labs proudly stands by each and every product they make by using only the highest-quality, most effective ingredients available, carefully formulated and manufactured for optimum results. Shop with us today and receive a Special Discount!
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We are proud to say that anyone can read our ingredients without the use of a dictionary.
Each of our skincare creams, masks, cleansers and serums are handmade by holistic beekeepers in Hawaii.
Our Beekeepers have built a relationship with their bees, who they treat with the greatest care and attention.
We think we have a pretty good thing going here, but you don't have to take our word for it, see what our customers are saying about us!
While many of the big retail companies hide behind proprietary blends in order to disguise their low-quality ingredients, sub-optimal dosages, and added fillers, Sheer Strength Labs proudly stands by each and every product they make by using only the highest-quality, most effective ingredients available, carefully formulated and manufactured for optimum results. Shop with us today and receive a Special Discount!
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ONLY $14.99
We are proud to say that anyone can read our ingredients without the use of a dictionary.
Each of our skincare creams, masks, cleansers and serums are handmade by holistic beekeepers in Hawaii.
Our Beekeepers have built a relationship with their bees, who they treat with the greatest care and attention.
• Supports healthy weight loss in women and men – Sheer Block 2.0’s powerful formula works by blocking the absorption of carbohydrates into the body safely and naturally, giving you a slimmer, fitter figure and helping you reach your weight loss goals faster.
• 100% Money-Back Guarantee- We’re so confident that you will love losing weight with Sheer Block 2.0 that we back your order with a hassle-free 30-day money back guarantee. If you are not totally satisfied for any reason we will refund your money because we want you to have everything to gain and nothing to lose!
• Non-gmo and gluten-free – Sheer Block 2.0 is 100% Free of the GMOs, preservatives, binders, fillers, dairy, gluten, soy, peanut, egg, or hidden ingredients found in many weight loss support and diet pills, fat burners, appetite suppressants, and garcinia cambogia supplements.
• Premium quality and purity you deserve – Sheer Block 2.0 is manufactured in a state-of-the-art GMP-certified facility in the USA. This is done to guarantee the highest levels of ingredient purity, potency, and safety that you need to enjoy lasting results. Ready to start losing weight today? Hit the ‘Add to Cart’ button at the top of the page now!:|~|:mcontclstclass:--:cluster-padding-medium zpa-container cac-6380468:|~|:mcontclass:--:zpa-plain-product-022-v2 ba-6380468:|~|:imgpos:--:left:|~|:handle:--:sheer-block:|~|:descclass:--:pda-6380466:|~|:clstid:--:1721364:|~|:brdclass:--:zpa-border-style-none zpa-border-thickness-small ba-6380467:|~|:addcrtmsg:--:Product has been added to cart
Wow, this is the best night cream I have ever used. The first time I used it, there was a difference in my neck the next morning. Most products do not deliver on their claims but you can trust this one. I like that it is mostly organic and all natural. I am 75 years young and have never looked my age so this will help me continue fooling people!! A best buy.
Jane - Results may vary from person to person.
I am in love with this product. It has softened my skin dramatically. I haven't had a problem applying this under my make-up. A little goes a long way- I always let it sit a few minutes before actually applying my makeup and it goes on flawlessly. I use this twice a day. I highly recommend this, the quality is fantastic and it ships quickly!
Mei - Results may vary from person to person.
Very moisturizing! Great for parched, dry skin. I have been using it on my face, neck and hands. Im a nurse and I can tell a huge difference in my hands using this product with/without cotton gloves at night. When I first ordered the product, I was afraid the honey scent would be overpowering but it's not. Scent is light, pleasant and disappears quickly. Ordering my second jar today!
Rebeca - Results may vary from person to person.
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USDA Certified Organic Face and Eye Cream Sensitive Collection
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USDA Certified Organic Face and Eye Cream Sensitive Collection
:|~|:txtblclass:--:ba-6337247:|~|:ttl5cont:--:$12.50 EACH!
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USDA Certified Organic Face and Eye Cream Sensitive Collection
:|~|:txtblclass:--:ba-6337239:|~|:ttl5cont:--:$10 EACH!
:|~|:ttl4blclass:--:ba-6337237:|~|:ttl3cont:--:$120.00:|~|:ttl3blclass:--:ba-6337244:|~|:ttl2cont:--:3 Bottles
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